Need help in debugging my project solution

Automatic tests fail, but my solution seems to work well, can someone review my code ?'/api/shorturl', (req, res) => { const { url } = req.body; const tmpUrl = url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, ''); dns.lookup(tmpUrl, (err, address) => { if (err) res.json({ error: 'invalid url' }); else { const tmp = { original_url: url, short_url: urls.length + 1, }; urls.push(tmp) let { original_url, short_url } = tmp; res.json({ original_url, short_url }); } }); });

app.get(’/api/shorturl/:shorturl’, (req, res) => {
let { shorturl } = req.params;
shorturl = Number(shorturl);
const urlObject = findUrl(shorturl);
if (urlObject) {
else {
error: ‘invalid url’

Challenge: URL Shortener Microservice

Link to the challenge:

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