I am failing the if this bracket: ‘(’ exists then ‘)’ should also exists.
Is there a way to use if…then in regEx.
I can forcefully pass the test here by creating another reg ex that counts the number of brackets and if its less than one then return false but I think that would be sort of cheating.
I also want to ask if in the current code, do you find anything forcefully making correct or not
**Your code so far**
function telephoneCheck(str) {
let newStr=str.split("");
let regEx=/^(?!-)1*\s*?\(?\d{3}\)?-?\s?\d{3}\s?-?\d{4}(?!(\))$)/;
if (regEx.test(str) && (newStr.length===10 || (newStr.length===11) && newStr[0]==='1')){return true;}
return false;
console.log(telephoneCheck("-1 (757) 622-7382"));
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Challenge: Telephone Number Validator
Link to the challenge: