Need help with tribute page tests

apart from writing html document i really do not know where to start on doing this project,please help!!!

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Challenge: Build a Tribute Page

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try to make one test pass at a time
can you start with just the first user story?

User Story #1: My tribute page should have an element with a corresponding id="main" , which contains all other elements.

Can you write one element with that id that will contain all other elements?

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please give me an example let me follow up

what kind of elements have you seen that can contain other elements? feel free to look at previous challenges or google

input element, div element,form element

I’m not so sure about the input element, are you sure it can contains other elements?

but the div and form elements can be correct, one of the two has a specific use so it is not correct for this situation, the other is more generic. So you can take the most appropriate one, give it an id attribute, and start with that

which one is appropriate? you said one of the two has a specific use so it is not correct.

do you remember what the two do?
the projects are where you have to do all the learning, you need to try to search for the answers on your own for you to learn something here.
if you google one and the other you should be pretty sure on which one to use.

Youtube can be a great tool to help you learn to code. There are very good tutorials on there, thay have been a huge help to me, I don’t think I could have completed the course without youtube. I find it easier to learn there than anywhere else.
These projects are daunting when you first look at them but as @ilenia said you should tackle them 1 user story at a time… small steps. If you don’t feel you have remembered enough of the course to tackle the project yet then you should go through the course a second time and you will be better equiped to tackle the projects.
Take as much time as you need it is not a race

thank you so much.i will take my time

User Story #5: Within the img-div element, I should see an element with a corresponding id="img-caption" that contains textual content describing the image shown in img-div

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Challenge: Build a Tribute Page

Link to the challenge:

Not sure what your question is here? We would also need a link to your project in order to help you.

@columbuschidozie1 ,

your <div> element with id=img-div should have two elements

  • an <img> tag

  • a <div> tag with id="img-caption" along with text for the image. (Eg: <div id="img-caption">Freddie Mercury</div>)

User Story #6: I should see an element with a corresponding id="tribute-info" , which contains textual content describing the subject of the tribute page. which element are my suppose to use to solve this???

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Challenge: Build a Tribute Page

Link to the challenge:

You mean like between div or h3 or whatever? I don’t think it matters - just pick something that makes sense. If it is small, then something like ‘hx’ or ‘p’ might makes sense. If it is going to be bigger, then something like div or section might make more sense. I would expect in this case for it to be the latter.

User Story #7: I should see an a element with a corresponding id="tribute-link" , which links to an outside site that contains additional information about the subject of the tribute page. HINT: You must give your element an attribute of target and set it to _blank in order for your link to open in a new tab (i.e. target="_blank" ). i need further explanation on this,i’m stuck at this part of the project

Just include something like <a href="" target="_blank" id="tribute-link">Read More</a>

a paragragh should come before this right??

You should be able to pass just by including the anchor tag anywhere. I don’t see any requirements for the placement of the element.

i passed,thank you!!