NO CERTIFICATION RECEIVED FOR> Responsive Web Design Certification (300 hours)

per the subject line no certification received. Have reviewed all challenges and it all shows tick marks! Have i omitted something???

currently working on Javascript Algorithms And Data Structures Certification (300 hours), Regular Expressions

Few questions:

  1. Have you agreed to the academic honesty at settings?
  2. Have you set your name at settings?
  • If all yes, you can view your certificate at settings

  • If all Yes and cannot have your certification let’s try to talk at the moderators


go to your profile page.

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I assume you have solved this by now, but in case anyone else has the same issue, go to settings and scroll down to the Certification Settings section and claim your certificate there.


Thanks for the help Faye. I appreciate it.

I cannot find that. I have a “Preferences” page that does not even mention Certifications settings

you need to be on the curriculum section, not the forum section

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here in the settings of the curriculum?

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Ya. Thanks guys. Found it