Certification certificates

I completed the Responsive Web Design certification a few months ago, and obtained the certificate. However, in my profile it is now displaying that “No certifications have been earned under the current curriculum”. How do I correct this? I have tried some of the fixes that have worked for others with this complaint, such as resubmitting a project, but these haven’t worked for me.

have you ever claimed the certification in the settings?

if you have, be sure to set your profile to public, and your certs to public

Yes, I claimed the certification in the settings. Yes, my profile is set to public, as is the certs.


In your settings, what does this section look like?

Under Certifications, it just says “No certifications have been earned under the current curriculum”. But a few months ago after I completed the Responsive Web Design course, it was listed there. Now it is not.

Everyone can relax! I switched the settings from public to private and then back again. And then refreshed. It is now displaying.

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Glad you were able to get it to work!