Node and Express Json response Error

Tell us what’s happening:
I am trying to solve the json task where I have to send json response according to an environment variable. I have created an environment variable and imported a dot env file.
Everything seems to be fine but when I press “I have completed this challenge button” it gives error.

// running tests
 The response of the endpoint


should change according to the environment variable


// tests completed

The response of the endpoint `/json` should change according to the environment variable `MESSAGE_STYLE`


**Your code so far**

var express = require('express');
var app = express();

// --> 7)  Mount the Logger middleware here

// --> 11)  Mount the body-parser middleware  here

/** 1) Meet the node console. */
console.log("Hello World");

/** 2) A first working Express Server */
  res.send("Hello Express")

/** 3) Serve an HTML file */
absolutePath = __dirname + "/views/index.html";

/** 4) Serve static assets  */
absolutePath = __dirname + "/public"

/** 5) serve JSON on a specific route */


  res.json({"message":"Hello json"});


/** 6) Use the .env file to configure the app */
 let response  = '' ;

  //  response = "Hello json".toUpperCase();
  response = "Hello json".toUpperCase();
   response = "Hello json";

res.json({"message": response });

/** 7) Root-level Middleware - A logger */
//  place it before all the routes !

/** 8) Chaining middleware. A Time server */

/** 9)  Get input from client - Route parameters */

/** 10) Get input from client - Query parameters */
// /name?first=<firstname>&last=<lastname>

/** 11) Get ready for POST Requests - the `body-parser` */
// place it before all the routes !

/** 12) Get data form POST  */

// This would be part of the basic setup of an Express app
// but to allow FCC to run tests, the server is already active
/** app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000 ); */

//---------- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE --------------------

 module.exports = app;

Here is the REPL repository

Your browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0.

Challenge: Use the .env File

Link to the challenge:

Welcome, hasnatali.

When do you expect this code to run?

 let response  = '' ;

  //  response = "Hello json".toUpperCase();
  response = "Hello json".toUpperCase();
   response = "Hello json";

Also, I’ve edited your post for readability. When you enter a code block into a forum post, please precede it with a separate line of three backticks and follow it with a separate line of three backticks to make it easier to read.

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Note: Backticks (`) are not single quotes (’).

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Thanks for cleaning my post, I am new to this.
When I am running the node server in repl. I am supposed to press challenge complete button on FCC. It is on FCC where I am getting an error.

Right, but what I am getting at is this:

  • When someone/something makes a GET request to /a, the following code runs:
  res.send("Hello Express")

That is the only time the code runs.

Now, going back to this challenge’s instructions:

Then tell the GET /json route handler that you created in the last challenge…

So, when do you want the above mentioned code to run?

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1 .This is the code I am supposed to run and I will pass the challenge it if the response is correct.

/** 6) Use the .env file to configure the app */
 let response  = '' ;

  //  response = "Hello json".toUpperCase();
  response = "Hello json".toUpperCase();
   response = "Hello json";

res.json({"message": response });


In a seperate .env file i created this global variable


In the if statement above response variable is assigned “HELLO JSON”
if MESSAGE_STYLE has ‘uppercase’ assigned and vice versa.
up till here, everything is working but when I send it as JSON in as a response to get statement, FCC does not consider it correct.

res.json({"message": response });

The issue is where you are handling the logic in your code. Currently, response is defined on setup (when the app is defined). This means, if MESSAGE_STYLE changes, response will not, because the code only runs once.

The tests check your app is behaving correctly, by changing MESSAGE_STYLE. However, the response variable does not change, because its logic is set up that way.

Hope this helps