Number Guessing Game tests flawed?

I have finished the number guessing game challenge from the Relational Database Course. The script works fine and always gives the desired outcome. All but two test are passed. These two tests (both on the echo statements, probably on the format of these statements) will not pass, no matter what I change on the echo statement. It seems to me that the test are not working correct??? Does anyone know a solution? So that I can finish and obtain the certification…

NB. I now see that this issue has been raised previously. But as far as I can see this was in March this year for the last time. Has anything been done since then?

I think I am giving up. Have tried every possible change to the code, but without success.
Even if I do not change anything between tests, subsequent test will give different outcomes in that different tests fail, on exactly the same code.

For all of you out there who are struggling with this same issue: after endlessly trying I have found the solution.
Apparently the tests expect you to use two tables in the database. When I changed my database to that model all tests were passed.