Tell us what’s happening:
I have been trying to complete the APIs and Microservices Projects - Exercise Tracker.
All are working fine except one-
I can add an exercise to any user by posting form data userId(_id), description, duration, and optionally date to /api/exercise/add. If no date supplied it will use current date. App will return the user object with the exercise fields added.
It is working in the gui present at
`Glitch`` and also using postman.
Your code so far'/add', (req, res, next) => {
let { userId, description, duration, date } = req.body;
User.findOne({ _id: userId }).then(user => {
if (!user) throw new Error('Unknown user with _id');
date = date ||;
return Exercise.create({
description, duration, date, userId
.then(ex => res.status(200).send({
_id: user._id,
username: user.username,
date: moment('ddd MMMM DD YYYY'),
duration: parseInt(duration),
description: description
.catch(err => {
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Challenge: Exercise Tracker
Link to the challenge: