Hi There, I was stuck on this challenge and ended up having to copy/paste the solution from the video which worked however I am not sure if it is a bug or I am just not understanding the code properly but struggling to see where 3 and 16 come from.
function functionWithArgs(a, b) {
console.log(a + b);
functionWithArgs(10, 5)
Those values come from the parameters you pass to the function when you call it.
On this line functionWithArgs(10, 5) you’re calling the function and passing two parameters: 10 and 5
These parameters (10 and 5) are assigned to the variables a and b on the definition of the function here:
function functionWithArgs(a, b) {
// At this point, a = 10 and b = 5
console.log(a + b);
Does it help?
Check this out if my explanation doesn’t help: click here.
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Hi, thank you for replying however the tests on the challenge compared the output of the code do not match. I am unsure where 3 and 16 are being picked up from.
The function is called with the parameters 1 and 2 (a = 1, b =2), where 1 + 2 equals 3
The function is called with the parameters 7 and 9 (a = 7, b = 9), where 7 + 9 equals 16
That explains the output of 3 and 16. The first 15, if you’re wondering, is from the parsing of the script, which includes the first call to your function as defined here:
function functionWithArgs(a, b) {
console.log(a + b);
functionWithArgs(10, 5) // <-- First call