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Describe your issue in detail here.
when i’m trying to submit project it show complete your project first.
i’ve completed my project and saved in git repo.
git repo link- ‘GitHub - drazerrr/periodic-table: freecodecamp project’
Your code so far
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Challenge: Periodic Table Database - Build a Periodic Table Database
Link to the challenge:
When you load up the CodeRoad project, do you see a course completion message with a ‘Continue’ button?
If so, you can try a couple of things to get FCC to acknowledge that you’ve completed that part of the project:
- Click ‘Continue’ then click on the freeCodeCamp banner (top) to take you back to the curriculum page. Then click through to the Relational Database course menu and refresh the page.
If you still can’t successfully submit your project after this, you can try generating a new user token by recycling the CodeAlly VM:
- Boot up a different Relational Database course, then click on the freeCodeCamp banner to go back to the curriculum. Now boot up the Periodic Table course and repeat the other step above.
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I just want to thank you as I have copied your script.
I was stuck at the "output ‘I could not find that element in the database.’ "
My code was running fine with my test cases but freecodecamp was just not ready to accept it and I was clueless.
Although I found that your code is giving the results even on “Hel” argument case which corresponds to Helium, but I guess that’s not factually correct.
But your code passed, so I guess it ok.
Any way thank you.