Personal Portfolio is done. feedback and advice please

This is the second challenge that has been done. FreeCodeCamp: Personal Portfolio

but I am still not sure on some parts. especially on viewpoint (anchor / menu) and the process after hitting the send button on the contact form. i dont know where to store the data.

please advice and feedback, especially on the undermining confidence above … :slight_smile:

my appologize with my bad english (some time still need google to translate) :slight_smile:

Hi @XRinduDendam,

Please post a link to your project so we can see your site and code. We can then review it for you.

Not sure what the above means. Could you elaborate?

Regarding the contact form send button - you need some back end (server side) code for this such as PHP, so it’s not really possible on codepen or github pages as they are front end only - having a working form is beyond the scope of the exercise anyway.

There is a work around though. If you want your contact form to work now, you can use a service like

like so…

<form action="" method="post">

Also, your english is perfectly readable, google translate or not :slight_smile:



Oops. sorry. forgot to add the link.
FreeCodeCamp: Personal Portfolio

thank you for reply @MARKJ78 :slight_smile: