For the personal portfolio challenge I keep failing test 7 and 8.
The navbar should contain at least one link that I can click on to navigate to different sections of the page.
My portfolio should have a link with an id of profile-link , which opens my GitHub or FCC profile in a new tab.
The problem with test 7 is that I am able to click the links I created in nav bar to smoothly scroll to the different sections of the website but the test fails anyway. For test 8 I have an anchor tag with an id of profile-link which links to my github profile but the test fails anyway.
Got me puzzled…
All I see that’s a bit unusual is that you have divs for UL and LI on the nav but I dont see how that could fail you unless building that nav with ul and li is a requirement.
Let me know when you figure it out. =) good luck
@Qube404 when a test fails click the red button to see which test(s) are failing and text to help you correct the issue. Be sure and read more than just the first line of the failing message. The ability to read and comprehend error messages is a skill you’ll need to acquire as a developer. Ask questions on what you don’t understand.
the first full failing message says
The navbar should contain at least one link that I can click on to navigate to different sections of the page.
At least one navbar link should move the page position when clicked : expected false to be true
AssertionError: At least one navbar link should move the page position when clicked : expected false to be true
It’s a little difficult to ascertain from this message why the test is failing but you should know that if all of your CSS is removed, this test will pass. Therefore it’s something that you’ve written that is causing the test to fail. You may want to revisit the overflow property.
The next full failing message says
My portfolio should have a link with an id of "profile-link", which opens my GitHub or FCC profile in a new tab.
Clicking #profile-link should cause a link to open in a new tab : expected 'blank_' to equal '_blank'
AssertionError: Clicking #profile-link should cause a link to open in a new tab : expected 'blank_' to equal '_blank'
Do you understand what the test is looking for and why it fails? A typo perhaps?
Test 7 didn’t pass because I accidentally wrote blank_ instead of _blank for my links.
Test 8 wasn’t working because of the overflow style I put on the body and html.
The reason I put that overflow on there was because when I first saw the website we were supposed to create I noticed that the nav bar stayed in place even when over scrolling and when I looked up how that is achieved on stack overflow that was the solution I found, I now realize that is just a feature of code pen and not something that was intentionally implemented into the css.
I’m definitely going to pay closer attention to error messages from now on ;D
Thank you so much.