The code you have above shouldn’t really “work” in the browser console. I don’t think you are using those arguments correctly at all.
Have you looked at the documentation for the Date object?
A JavaScript date is fundamentally specified as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since midnight on January 1, 1970, UTC
In the first problem, you are using, but weekDays is an array and does not have a date property.
In the second problem, I think you aren’t supposed to have two arguments. You just need the number of years ago the provided date was relative to the current year.
For the same weekday problem, I think you code is actually checking if two dates correspond to the same calendar day, month, and year.
what do you mean that it gave you the full question?
you need to add console.log(arguments) as first line inside the function, and run the code in the environment in which you are tested
if the output is not printed in the console there, it should be printed in the browser console (do not execute it there, see if the log shows up there)