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i have submitted this code multiple times and still got and error

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  <h2>Mortal Kombat Tournament Survey Results</h2>

  <!-- Only change code below this line -->

  <p>Thank you to everyone for responding to Master Camper Cat's survey. The best day to host the vaunted Mortal Kombat tournament is <time datetime="2016-09-15">Thursday, September 15<sup>th</sup>.</time> May the best ninja win!</p>

  <!-- Only change code above this line -->

      <p>Posted by: Sub-Zero on <time datetime="2016-08-13T20:01Z">August 13<sup>th</sup></time></p>
      <p>Johnny Cage better be there, I'll finish him!</p>
      <p>Posted by: Doge on <time datetime="2016-08-15T08:12Z">August 15<sup>th</sup></time></p>
      <p>Wow, much combat, so mortal.</p>
      <p>Posted by: The Grim Reaper on <time datetime="2016-08-16T00:00Z">August 16<sup>th</sup></time></p>
      <p>Looks like I'll be busy that day.</p>
<footer>&copy; 2018 Camper Cat</footer>

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Challenge: Standardize Times with the HTML5 datetime Attribute

Link to the challenge:

Move the . outside of the </time> tag. :slight_smile:

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it really worked, i saw i thought the (.) was included, but does that mean that the period can make the code ineffective?

no, the code works the same
the tests asked you only about the date, no extra punctuation included, you included the dot and the tests not like it

and if you look at it, the dot is actually not part of the date

alright i understand now, thanks a lot , this is really going to help me through other tests