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  <h2>Mortal Kombat Tournament Survey Results</h2>

  <!-- Only change code below this line -->

  <p>Thank you to everyone for responding to Master Camper Cat's survey. The best day to host the vaunted Mortal Kombat tournament is <time datetime="2016-09-15">Thursday, September 15<sup>th</sup>.</time> May the best ninja win!</p>

  <!-- Only change code above this line -->

      <p>Posted by: Sub-Zero on <time datetime="2016-08-13T20:01Z">August 13<sup>th</sup></time></p>
      <p>Johnny Cage better be there, I'll finish him!</p>
      <p>Posted by: Doge on <time datetime="2016-08-15T08:12Z">August 15<sup>th</sup></time></p>
      <p>Wow, much combat, so mortal.</p>
      <p>Posted by: The Grim Reaper on <time datetime="2016-08-16T00:00Z">August 16<sup>th</sup></time></p>
      <p>Looks like I'll be busy that day.</p>
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Challenge: Standardize Times with the HTML5 datetime Attribute

Link to the challenge:

Hi @efrain,
This is the error message from running your code.

// running tests
Your added time tags should wrap around the text Thursday, September 15<sup>th</sup>.
// tests completed

Your closing time tag should come before the period.

Happy coding!

oh, wow! what a detail! I had it in my nose, and I couldn’t see it.
I was swimming in circles. I am so blind.
Do this happen to a lot of people who is trying to learn all this stuff?
Often this things happen to me.
But thank you very much. Very kind of you.

This happens to a lot of people. It happens to me all the time. However, with time, you get proficient at spotting some of these minor errors.
All the best!

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