Please I want know if this is concise and clear enough as it passed the challenge

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  **Your code so far**

function destroyer(arr) {
let agr = [...arguments];
let newArr = agr[0];
let newArr1 = [];
  for(let i =0; i < newArr.length; i++){
        if(agr.includes(newArr[i]) === false){
  return newArr1;


console.log(destroyer(["tree", "hamburger", 53],  "tree", 53 ));
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Challenge: Seek and Destroy

Link to the challenge:

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I agree with Jeremy, but was already typing when he responded…

Going off your title and inferring what you mean: Is it concise enough, is it clear enough?

Well what does that mean? What is the goal?

Could it be more concise? Sure, this could be solved in one line:

const destroyer = (arr, ...keysToRemove) => arr.filter(el => !keysToRemove.includes(el))

Does that make it better? I would say that we have to be careful about being “too concise” at the expense of clarity. I could make it even smaller, like this:

const destroyer = (a, ...r) => a.filter(x => !r.includes(x))

Is that better? It’s more concise. But it’s also less clear. It’s all about a balance, trying to maximize both. And to me clarity is much more important than concision.

Your solution? For a learner, it’s great! You solved the problem. You found a solution. It works. You reinforced your coding knowledge. You understand what is happening on an algorithmic level. That is the purpose here - you nailed it.

If it came across my desk in a PR review, I might critique it for creating unnecessary variables, instead of leveraging some functional programming and ES6 features.

In “the real world” I would expect to see something like my first example. It is clear and concise. It is easy to understand (if you understand ES6 and FP, which a professional coder should) and is (imho) easier (or at least quicker) to absorb than the lengthier example you created. This is where concise is good - all things being equal, fewer lines are easier to digest and to maintain. There are fewer opportunities for bugs. The second example I provided? That is just being concise to try to show off. I would not like the second example.

So in summary, good job. You solved the problem. When I was at your stage, my solution was probably very similar. Is it the “best” solution? Maybe not. But it’s excellent for where you are.

I do have one complaint in your code:

let agr = [...arguments];

Why make a copy? You don’t need to mutate it in anyway so there is no need.

if(agr.includes(newArr[i]) === false){

Most people would write something like:


Unless you are explicitly checking for false, then a falsy check is sufficient.


This bothers me a little, since agr contains as it’s first element a reference to newArr. It works for this test data. But I wonder if it would fail for some array with a circular reference.

const arr = ["tree", "hamburger", 53];

// ["tree", "hamburger", 53, Array(4)]

console.log(destroyer(arr, "tree", 53));
// ["hamburger"]

In other words, the original array is something that we’re checking to remove from the original array. That’s kind of an edge case, and maybe it is desirable behavior - it just struck me as odd. If I saw that come across my desk I would ask questions.

But still, good job.


let arg = […arguments];
The reason for this is so as to turn the whole arguments into an array, then I extracted the first index element let newArr = arg[0];
Thanks for this !arg.includes(newArr[i]), I will improve over time and also work on applying functional programing for solving the challenges to come. Thanks alot for comments and words of encouragement.

OK, I misread the code a little. But OK, arguments is already an array, right? Furthermore (and maybe it is beyond the scope of what you’ve learned up to this challenge, I don’t know… But you could just grab them with a rest operator:

function destroyer(...arr) {

Or, you could do something like I suggested that would break off the first parameter and “rest” the rest into their own array.

Whatever. It’s all about learning. Have fun on the next one.

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