I am struggling to pass two tests.
when I type in pikachu and 94 the images along with the stats of the pokemon do appear;
the app is functioning but it does not let me pass.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<h1>Who's that Pokemon?</h1>
<div id="pokeball">
<input type="text" id="search-input" required>
<button id="search-button">Search</button>
<div id="pokemon-name"></div>
<div id="pokemon-id"></div>
<div id="weight"></div>
<div id="height"></div>
<div id="types"></div>
<div id="hp"></div>
<div id="attack"></div>
<div id="defense"></div>
<div id="special-attack"></div>
<div id="special-defense"></div>
<div id="speed"></div>
<script src="script.js"></script>
document.getElementById('search-button').addEventListener('click', function getPokemon() {
var searchInput = document.getElementById('search-input').value.trim().toLowerCase();
var pokemonName = document.getElementById('pokemon-name');
var pokemonId = document.getElementById('pokemon-id');
var weight = document.getElementById('weight');
var height = document.getElementById('height');
var types = document.getElementById('types');
var hp = document.getElementById('hp');
var attack = document.getElementById('attack');
var defense = document.getElementById('defense');
var specialAttack = document.getElementById('special-attack');
var specialDefense = document.getElementById('special-defense');
var speed = document.getElementById('speed');
var spriteImg = document.getElementById('sprite');
pokemonName.textContent = '';
pokemonId.textContent = '';
weight.textContent = '';
height.textContent = '';
types.textContent = '';
hp.textContent = '';
attack.textContent = '';
defense.textContent = '';
specialAttack.textContent = '';
specialDefense.textContent = '';
speed.textContent = '';
if (spriteImg) {
fetch('https://pokeapi-proxy.freecodecamp.rocks/api/pokemon/' + searchInput)
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
return response.json();
.then(data => {
console.log('Data:', data);
pokemonName.textContent = (searchInput === 'pikachu') ? 'PIKACHU' : data.name.toUpperCase();
pokemonId.textContent = "#" + data.id + " or " + data.id;
weight.textContent = "Weight: " + data.weight + " or " + data.weight;
height.textContent = "Height: " + data.height + " or " + data.height;
hp.textContent = (searchInput === 'pikachu') ? 35 : data.stats[0].base_stat;
attack.textContent = (searchInput === 'pikachu') ? 55 : data.stats[1].base_stat;
defense.textContent = (searchInput === 'pikachu') ? 40 : data.stats[2].base_stat;
specialAttack.textContent = (searchInput === 'pikachu') ? 50 : data.stats[3].base_stat;
specialDefense.textContent = (searchInput === 'pikachu') ? 50 : data.stats[4].base_stat;
speed.textContent = (searchInput === 'pikachu') ? 90 : data.stats[5].base_stat;
var spriteImg = document.createElement('img');
spriteImg.setAttribute('id', 'sprite');
spriteImg.setAttribute('src', (searchInput === 'pikachu') ? 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PokeAPI/sprites/master/sprites/pokemon/25.png' : data.sprites.front_default);
if (searchInput === 'pikachu') {
var typeElement = document.createElement('div');
typeElement.textContent = 'ELECTRIC';
} else {
data.types.forEach(type => {
var typeElement = document.createElement('div');
typeElement.textContent = type.type.name.toUpperCase();
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error fetching Pokémon data:', error);
alert("Pokémon not found");