Pomodoro Clock failing test 14 & 15

I am stuck trying to pass these two tests:

  1. When a break countdown reaches zero (NOTE: timer MUST reach 00:00), and a new countdown begins, the element with the id of “timer-label” should display a string indicating a session has begun.
    Timer has not changed.
    Error: Timer has not changed.
  2. When a break countdown reaches zero (NOTE: timer MUST reach 00:00), a new session countdown should begin, counting down from the value currently displayed in the id=“session-length” element.
    Timer has not changed.
    Error: Timer has not changed.


class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    breakLength: 5,
    sessionLength: 25,
    timeLeft: 25 * 60000,
    timerIsCounting: false,
    sessionIsActive: true,
  displayTimeLeft = () => {
    const { timeLeft } = this.state

    let minutes = parseInt(timeLeft / 60000)
    let seconds = Math.floor(timeLeft % 60000) / 1000

    minutes = minutes < 10 ? `0${minutes}` : minutes
    seconds = seconds < 10 ? `0${seconds}` : seconds 

    return `${minutes}:${seconds}`
  timerStart = () => {
    let { timerIsCounting } = this.state
    if (!timerIsCounting) {
      let timeStart = new Date().getTime()
      let timeElapsed = '0.0'
      this.interval = setInterval(() => {
        let time = new Date().getTime() - timeStart
        timeElapsed = Math.floor(time / 100) / 10
        if (Math.round(timeElapsed) === timeElapsed) {
          timeElapsed += '.0'
          let { timeLeft, sessionIsActive, breakLength, sessionLength } = this.state
          if (sessionIsActive) {
            if (timeLeft > 0) {
              this.setState(() => ({
                timerIsCounting: true,
                timeLeft: timeLeft - 1000
            } else if (timeLeft === 0) {
              this.setState(() => ({
                sessionIsActive: false,
                timeLeft: breakLength * 60000
          } else if (!sessionIsActive) {
            if (timeLeft > 0) {
              this.setState(() => ({
                timerIsCounting: true,
                timeLeft: timeLeft - 1000
            } else if (timeLeft < -1) {
              this.setState(() => ({
                sessionIsActive: true,
                timeLeft: sessionLength * 60000
      }, 100)
  timerStop = () => {
    this.setState(() => ({
      timerIsCounting: false
  breakIncrement = () => {
    let { breakLength } = this.state
    if (breakLength >= 1 && breakLength < 60) { 
      this.setState(() => ({
        breakLength: breakLength += 1
  breakDecrement = () => {
    let { breakLength } = this.state
    if (breakLength > 1 && breakLength <= 60) {
      this.setState(() => ({
        breakLength: breakLength -= 1
  sessionIncrement = () => {
    let { sessionLength, timeLeft } = this.state
    if (sessionLength >= 1 && sessionLength < 60) {
      this.setState(() => ({
        sessionLength: sessionLength += 1,
        timeLeft: timeLeft += 60000
  sessionDecrement = () => {
    let { sessionLength, timeLeft } = this.state
    if (sessionLength > 1 && sessionLength <= 60) {
      this.setState(() => ({
        sessionLength: sessionLength -= 1,
        timeLeft: timeLeft -= 60000
  timerReset = () => {
    this.audio.currentTime = 0
    this.setState(() => ({
      breakLength: 5,
      sessionLength: 25,
      timeLeft: 25 * 60000,
      timerIsCounting: false,
      sessionIsActive: true
  render() {
    let { sessionIsActive, sessionLength, breakLength, timerIsCounting } = this.state
    let { breakIncrement, breakDecrement, sessionIncrement, sessionDecrement, timerReset, timerStart, timerStop, displayTimeLeft } = this
    return (
      <div className='app-container'>
        <div className='pomodoro-container'>
          <div className='break-container'>
            <label id='break-label'>Break</label>
            <div id='break-length'>{ breakLength }</div>
              onClick={() => breakDecrement()}
              onClick={ () => breakIncrement() }  
          <div className='session-container'>
            <label id='session-label'>Session</label>
            <div id='session-length'>{ sessionLength }</div>
              onClick={ () => sessionDecrement() }
              onClick={ () => sessionIncrement() }
          <div className='timer-container'>
            <label id='timer-label'>{ sessionIsActive ? 'Session' : 'Break' }</label>
            <div id='time-left'>{ displayTimeLeft() }</div>
              onClick={ timerIsCounting ? () => timerStop() : () => timerStart() }
            >{ timerIsCounting ? 'stop' : 'start' }</button>
              ref={ ref => this.audio = ref }
              onClick={ () => timerReset() }

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));

Thanks in advance for your help!

-best regards