Portfolio Challenge: Looking For Feedback Please

Hello all,
I am looking for any feedback for the portfolio page. It’s a first draft so any insight is appreciated.

Thank you so much.

Hi there! Overall I think your page looks great! I love the layout! It is exactly what I had in mind for mine, but have somehow gone astray. My only question is about your portfolio section. Why the separate link for each example instead of linking the thumbnail directly?

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Your design is great, clearly you have an eye for art and color.

A couple things to think about -

  • The Nav bar and links hug the right side of the screen. Try adding a margin / padding over there.
  • Try to make the images in your Portfolio section consistent in size, and move the text a little lower to give it some breathing room.
  • Have your Contact icons do something on hover so users know that they go somewhere.

Finally, I looked on the page on mobile and it was not responsive at all. That’s something to work on for your next draft because mobile design is so important in today’s internet usage. I’m going back and re-doing all my projects for better design as we speak!

Good luck and happy coding! :slight_smile:

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Originally I had wanted to include a sentence or two about each website. To give the viewer an overview of the site and then have them visit each page after. I didn’t get that far with my portfolio as I was more interested in getting the layout and functionality done first.
Thanks for the feedback.

Thank You for the feedback, I did notice the right side being too far but I couldn’t figure out how to make it shorter. I played with the margins and padding but after a while I was just done with looking at my site that I had to stop for a while.

I like your idea about making the icons do something, I am going to play around with them to see what I can do.

I didn’t even think about making my site responsive, I will work on that.

Thank you for your great feedback.