Portfolio Page finally done please give honest feedback!

Hi guys I finally finished my portfolio project. This took me some time and I had some trouble with a lot of different stuff. I also took some time going a little deeper into HTML and CSS before i jumped back into the project again. Its only the 2nd full page i have ever coded. I feel like i don’t really have a knack for design and that was frustrating to me so i kept it pretty simple in the end and just finished the user stories. I sort of like the simplistic style basic style anyway. But I would love some feedback from as many of you as possible it would be great. Cant wait to start JavaScript. Thanks guys!!!

P.S. my social media links only open to a new blank page for now because every time i linked like my twitter it would go the page already signed in and I was worried about privacy. If anyone could comment on this or give me a hand that would be great. I feel like I’m missing a very obvious point here but hey no question is a dumb one.

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Looks awesome! I presume you wanted the images to just have a placeholder in them?

How about linking your email with a mailto?

I’m a fan of simplistic portfolios. They get straight to the point.

For this part, “…trying my hand and linux…”, did you mean to write at instead of and?