Position: static; is apply by default on CSS with browser?

I see that many times use relative and absolute and fixed ways but not so often see that static property. By default on what elements have static? I mean if not set by browser? Or where from I can get that is need to set with position: static; ? Is a browser things? Set default like margins and paddings? Or? What the logic?

Is fine but what that means in use? I mean is set by default? And if here have to set position: static; That way why? As is a default value? So that need to use or why not as is default? Logic? hmm…

I saw on some css file have used position: static; So this way why is it used? I mean if set be default what the logic to use it in CSS file?



The element is positioned according to the normal flow of the document. The top , right , bottom , left , and z-index properties have no effect . This is the default value.

Is fine but what that means in use? I mean is set by default? And if here have to set position: static; That way why? As is a default value? So that need to use or why not as is default?

I saw on some css file have used position: static; So this way why is it used? I mean if set be default what the logic to use it in CSS file?

You may use it to set position whose value is absolute or relative back to static. For example in media queries.

I read above link there is:

Initial value static
Applies to all elements

Is something like
In all browser?

As browser add default margin and padding? Is same? If yes then why need to set position: static; on any element if is set by default??? What the logic?

Say you set some element’s position to relative for whatever reason. Then later you have a media query where you want the position to be back to static. Because of cascade you have to explicitly set position: static or it’ll stay relative:

.my-class {
  position: relative; /* set to relative... */
  top: 20px; /* ...so we can adjust position */
@media (max-width: 500px) { /* small screen */
  .my-class {
    position: static; /* reset back to static */

Thanks for write! I understand this just try to understand where from

position: static;

not come from the browser

user agent stylesheet

So is a hidden value at browser? As at your example without media query no one notice that is a things have at browser like position static?

There are things that you (or anyone calling themselves frontend developer) just must know. And yes it’s a default value, as pointed out in that docs link.

Also in Chrome you can open inspector (F12) select “Elements” and in “Styles” check “Show All” and you’ll see all the default browser styles

Where is that show all button? You have position: static; at your browser user agent stylesheet?


I see thank you. I found Chrome basic CSS file and there is not have display: static; at all. So is not same as display block like on section? I mean in css reset have to set for section but not for display static?


Generally all HTML elements have their default position as static.
One can change their position according to their requirement.
Other positions are : static, relative, fixed, absolute, sticky

Is on all elements? like with * selector? By default? I try to search at browser style sheet but there is not have that style. But on documents write apply on all elements. Where is it :D?