Probability Calculator Random module problem

Hi I have a problem with my random module in the probability calculator. I tried to debug and it is not generating a random number.

import random
import copy


class Hat:
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.items = kwargs
        self.contents = []
        self.drawed_balls = []
        self.drawed_balls2 = []
        for ball, number in self.items.items():
            for i in range(number):
        self.duplicate = copy.copy(self.contents)

    def draw(self, times_drawn):
        if times_drawn <= len(self.contents):
            for i in range(times_drawn):
                random_index= random.randint(0, len(self.contents)-1)
            self.contents = self.duplicate
        else: pass
        return self.drawed_balls

    def clear(self):
        self.drawed_balls = self.drawed_balls2
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.items

def experiment(hat, expected_balls, num_balls_drawn, num_experiments):
    hat = hat
    expected_ball = []
    for ball, number in expected_balls.items():
        for i in range(number):

    ball_drawn = num_balls_drawn
    experiments = num_experiments
    passed = 0

    for i in range(experiments):
        if expected_ball in hat.draw(ball_drawn):
            passed += 1
        else: pass

    return passed/experiments

Forcing a particular seed makes the pesudorandom number generation fixed.

The test suite fixes a seed value so that the tests are reproducible. You should not also fix a seed value.

I removed it still not working.

What exactly is ‘not working’?

It just picks a certain number in the randint range and it will remain that way for the rest of the experiment. I am checking in Thonny and that’s what it shows. The probability always is 0

What code are you using to see this result? Which function? Can you provide a link to your REPL?

here’s my link :

and here’s the error:

This right here is a problem. You are resetting the hat after drawing, which means you never actually remove balls from the hat.

thank you. I will adjust that first

Done with that.

There is still a problem with the random module.

This isn’t a problem with the random module. This is a problem with your code. Prematurely identifying a root cause limits your debugging and can lead you to waste time on things that aren’t the issue.

Thank you. I will find the problem.

def experiment(hat, expected_balls, num_balls_drawn, num_experiments):
    hat = hat
    expected_ball = []
    for ball, number in expected_balls.items():
        for i in range(number):

    ball_drawn = num_balls_drawn
    experiments = num_experiments
    passed = 0

    for i in range(experiments):
        if expected_ball in hat.draw(ball_drawn):
            passed += 1
        else: pass

    return passed/experiments

This here is part of the problem. This code doesn’t run num_experiments draws and check if they contain the expected balls.

Also, you need to run the experiment on a fresh copy of the hat each time. You are emptying the same hat out, so it has nothing left in it to draw.

A hat object containing balls that should be copied inside the function.

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