Python probability calculator issue

Hello, hope everyone is doing well. I’m having some problems with passing the probability calculator certification project, as the 3rd test does not pass. Here is my code:

import copy # a module containing methods related to copying different lists, objects, arrays, etc.
import random # a module which is composed of methods for generating random nums in various ways

class Hat:
    # Instantiate an instance variable for the contents of the hat along with a dictionary for user inputs
    def __init__(self, **inputs):
        self.contents = list()
        for input in inputs:
            for _ in range(inputs[input]):

    # Define a method for drawing a number of balls
    def draw(self, num):
        if len(self.contents) <= num:
            return self.contents
        items = list()

        for _ in range(0, num):    
            ball = random.choice(self.contents) # Select a random ball from contents
            items.append(ball) # Add random ball to the list of drawn items
            self.contents.remove(ball)# Finally, remove the ball from the list of drawn contents
        return items
# Design a function which uses an instance of the class to return a probability
def experiment(hat, expected_balls, num_balls_drawn, num_experiments):
    origin_hat = copy.copy(hat)
    last_count = 0 # Times that the expected ball is to be drawn

    for _ in range(num_experiments):
        copy_of_hat = copy.deepcopy(origin_hat) # Start each call with a new, separate hat instance
        list_of_drawn = copy_of_hat.draw(num_balls_drawn) # List of drawn balls
        corr = True # Boolean val to check the correlation of list of drawn balls 
        for n, m in expected_balls.items():
            # Iterate through the key-val pairs to check whether not the corr bool is true
            if list_of_drawn.count(n) < m:
                corr = False
        if corr:
            last_count += 1
    # Final return value of the experiment function
    return last_count / num_experiments

hat1 = Hat(white=4, black=2, yellow=3)
hat2 = Hat(blue=2, green=5, red=4)
hat3 = Hat(orange=6, pink=2, purple=3, brown=5, striped=3)
exp = experiment(
    expected_balls={'orange': 1, 'brown': 3},


When I run the code in VSCode I do believe I get the desired results for the project, but the code does not pass on the project page (again, it’s specifically the 3rd test). Can anyone help me figure this out?

Can you share your output and please provide a link to the project instructions?

Project instructions:

The final output in the browser console gives an ‘Ok’, and running the code does not throw any errors.

So you can see the error message that the test produces?

19 != 0 Expected hat draw to leave no items in contents

Think of a physical hat. If you remove all the items from the hat, how many remains in it’s contents ?

This has come up many times, it probably needs better wording in the instructions:

I see. Thank you very much for linking the other two topics, it is much appreciated.

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