Hello, hope everyone is doing well. I’m having some problems with passing the probability calculator certification project, as the 3rd test does not pass. Here is my code:
import copy # a module containing methods related to copying different lists, objects, arrays, etc.
import random # a module which is composed of methods for generating random nums in various ways
class Hat:
# Instantiate an instance variable for the contents of the hat along with a dictionary for user inputs
def __init__(self, **inputs):
self.contents = list()
for input in inputs:
for _ in range(inputs[input]):
# Define a method for drawing a number of balls
def draw(self, num):
if len(self.contents) <= num:
return self.contents
items = list()
for _ in range(0, num):
ball = random.choice(self.contents) # Select a random ball from contents
items.append(ball) # Add random ball to the list of drawn items
self.contents.remove(ball)# Finally, remove the ball from the list of drawn contents
return items
# Design a function which uses an instance of the class to return a probability
def experiment(hat, expected_balls, num_balls_drawn, num_experiments):
origin_hat = copy.copy(hat)
last_count = 0 # Times that the expected ball is to be drawn
for _ in range(num_experiments):
copy_of_hat = copy.deepcopy(origin_hat) # Start each call with a new, separate hat instance
list_of_drawn = copy_of_hat.draw(num_balls_drawn) # List of drawn balls
corr = True # Boolean val to check the correlation of list of drawn balls
for n, m in expected_balls.items():
# Iterate through the key-val pairs to check whether not the corr bool is true
if list_of_drawn.count(n) < m:
corr = False
if corr:
last_count += 1
# Final return value of the experiment function
return last_count / num_experiments
hat1 = Hat(white=4, black=2, yellow=3)
hat2 = Hat(blue=2, green=5, red=4)
hat3 = Hat(orange=6, pink=2, purple=3, brown=5, striped=3)
exp = experiment(
expected_balls={'orange': 1, 'brown': 3},
When I run the code in VSCode I do believe I get the desired results for the project, but the code does not pass on the project page (again, it’s specifically the 3rd test). Can anyone help me figure this out?