I’m trying to put a transparent button over the background but it doesn’t work, I’ve tried putting backgound-color: transparent; but it becomes grey. then I’ve put the background-image: with the same image as the body background, no success as well.
You have a typo in your CSS - you’re using backgound-color instead of background-color (missing an r). If you fix the typo and use transparent it works fine.
@PauloZumach You did indeed make a typo as @mtroiani said. But you will also have to replace the *'s with some values. rgba() takes 4 parameters: 1. amount of red (0-255) 2. amount of green (0-255) 3. amount of blue (0-255) 4. opacity (0-1, decimal values). http://www.w3schools.com/css/css3_colors.asp
@PauloZumach If you need the background to be totally transparent it might be easier to remove the button wrapper. Simply using <h6> and setting .font{cursor: pointer} would be enough.