hi everyone!
Could you please assist me in providing the appropriate code? Thank you kindly for your help.
This is my answer and still wrong.
<label for="Loving">Loving</label><input id="loving" type="checkbox">
hi everyone!
Could you please assist me in providing the appropriate code? Thank you kindly for your help.
This is my answer and still wrong.
<label for="Loving">Loving</label><input id="loving" type="checkbox">
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Thank you.
You have two issues here
You moved the word Loving from where it was
The capitalization of the for
attribute’s value needs to exactly match the input id
’s value.
hi Jeremy,
thanks for your response.
I’ve tried different way to answer this such as;
1. <label><input id="loving" type="checkbox" for="loving">Loving</label>
2. <label for="loving"><input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving</label>
still wrong.
This one has two issues
the label must only be around the text Loving
the for attribute must be in the label tag
This one fixes issue 2) but still has problem 1)
<label for="loving"></label><input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving
this one is still wrong…even the “loving” and for attribute was already in place inside the label tag
This element goes where the word “Loving” is. The closing tag used to be in the right place.
hi, thank you for your response. I tried to do this and still wrong.
<label for="Loving"><input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving</label>
The opening label tag is in the wrong place.
This means that the label element cannot have the input element inside of it.
Also, you unfixed this
for capitalization and id’s are the same.
I apologize, I’m having difficulty understanding or guessing the problem. Is there anything else I can do?
No, the for attribute uses a capital L and the id uses a lowercase l in your code. Both should be lowercase
hi jeremy,
thanks for your response.
I tried this one and still not working.
<label for="loving"> <input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving</label>
hi Life Blessed,
thank you for your response. I tried to follow your instructions and I’m sorry it didn’t work. It says " The text Loving
should be wrapped in a label
You are still putting the input inside the label
The only thing that should be in between the label tags <label for> *This is in between*</label
is the word “Loving” provided in the challenge. The input should not come after any part of your label
. <label for>"Loving"</label> <input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving
2. <label for>"loving"</label> <input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving
3. <label for>"Loving" <input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving</label>
4. <label for>"loving"> <input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving</label>
5. <label for="loving"> <input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving</label>
6. <label for="Loving"><input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving</label>
7. <label for> Loving </label> <input id="loving" type="checkbox"> Loving
all these didnt work
The input should not come after any part of your label
I am unsure if you are actually reading the comments or just trying different things. In pretty much everything you tried your input comes after a label which I said above should not happen. You are also trying to add the text loving on your own. Why? Does the text loving not already exist in the challenge? That is the loving you need to surround with the label. You should not be adding any new text in this challenge
Reset the code
Physically touch the word Loving on the screen
Immediately before the L in Loving put the opening label tag
Immediately after the g in Loving put the closing label tag
You just need to simply wrap a Label in label and just put it after input element simple dudeđź’«
thanks everyone! I made it!!!