Problem with the test for union set?

Tell us what’s happening:
Can somebody please explain why the union method does not pass the tests? All the tests i’ve done returns the right result.

Your code so far

class Set {
constructor() {
    this._collection = []

print() {
    return console.log(this._collection)

add(item) {
    if (this.has(item)) {
        return false
    this._collection = [...this._collection, item]
    return true

remove(item) {
    if(this.has(item)) {
        this._collection = this._collection.filter(value => value !== item)
        return true
    return false

size() {
    return this._collection.length

has(item) {
    return this._collection.indexOf(item) !== -1

union(set) {
    const setOnlyUniqueItems = set._collection.filter(item => !this.has(item))
    this._collection = [...this._collection, ...setOnlyUniqueItems]
    return this._collection

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Challenge: Perform a Union on Two Sets

Link to the challenge:

union should return a new Set you are returning an Array from that method.