Hi everybody! I’m starting code from the beginning. When I’m studying code samples to finish my project (5 projects as required) I have difficulty to understand about when using ‘>’ as below in CSS:
nav > ul { : use ‘>’
.logo > img { : use ‘>’ #hero > h2 { : use ‘>’
nav li { : No use ‘>’ between ‘nav’ and ‘li’ #hero input: No use ‘>’ between attribute hero and input tag #features .icon: No use ‘>’
@thanhgt86 In CSS > is used to select unique children. For example:
You want to give width100px to all div tags from section tags which are in body. It would be like:
body > section > div {
width: 100px;
When you write like that, only the divs from section elements will have width of 100px not every divs.
@AndrewAung11: thank you for your answer! But I see some case to select unique children not use ‘>’, like I show above:
nav li { : No use ‘>’ between ‘nav’ and ‘li’ #hero input: No use ‘>’ between attribute hero and input tag #features .icon: No use ‘>’ between attribute features and class icon
So can you explain to me more in what case will no use ‘>’ to select unique children?
@thanhgt86 I think there is no different between them. But > might be used as barrier not to select (for example in .class1 .class2) .class1 and .class2 . Because here take a look:
When selecting .class1 element’s child .class2, like this .class1 class2, the css might understand it as selecting those two classes. So we can avoid it by using >.
Images are taken from: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp