Product landing page - failing story 12

Story 12: When I click the #submit element, the email is submitted to a static page (use this mock URL:

Error message:
The #form should have an action attribute : expected false to equal true
AssertionError: The #form should have an action attribute : expected false to equal true

My code, with the submit element :

 <form id="form" action:"">
    <input type="submit" name="submit"  id="submit"  value="SIGN ME UP"></input></div>

FCC: Product-landing-page (

<form id="form" action:"">

You’ve assigned the action attribute incorrectly. When I fix that, it passes for me. I had to change one character.

Thanks for your help! That code resolves story 7 not 12 :slight_smile: .

It resolved everything for me. 7 was not failing for me on the provided pen. 12 was failing and it is still failing. When I fix it, everything passes for me:

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Omg i see i used : instead of = in my action attribute. I fixed that and this passed story 12 as well as the URL.

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