I am doing the Product Landing Page. My footer doesn’t stay in the same place as I maximum and minimum screen, what can I do?
Here is the link to my page: https://codepen.io/wendygao0309/pen/BaKBYRK
Thank you!
I am doing the Product Landing Page. My footer doesn’t stay in the same place as I maximum and minimum screen, what can I do?
Here is the link to my page: https://codepen.io/wendygao0309/pen/BaKBYRK
Thank you!
I’ve done a quick fix, but maybe someone else can give you a better explanation. Here is my take
Optional info
This also happens when we set a ul’s li
s to float:left
for example. The ul will be height 0. Try this example to better grasp the idea code.
Hi @WendyG nice work
If you include the
<script src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/testable-projects-fcc/v1/bundle.js"></script>
at the top of the page you can se that all tests are passing. You have a problem with closing tags and especially you have elements opening and closing outside the <body>
Thank you so much for your help!
I always forget to add close tag.
You’re always welcome