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<section class="main-section"id="documentation_about_programming">
<header hidden="header-hidden">documentation about programming</header>
<a class="nav-link" href="">documentation about programming</a>
<p>In structured programming, three types of structures are used: sequential, those that are executed one after another following the order in which they have been written; decision, which allows omitting part of the code or selecting the execution flow from among two or more alternatives; and iterative, which are used to repeat the execution of a certain part of the program.</p>
<p>When the UNAD receives the application of an original from its author, either by email or post, it considers that it can be published in physical and/or electronic formats and facilitate its inclusion in databases, newspaper libraries and other systems and indexing processes. UNAD authorizes the reproduction and citation of the magazine's material, as long as the name of the magazine, the authors, the title of the article, volume, number and pages are explicitly indicated. The ideas and concepts expressed in the articles are the responsibility of the authors and in no case do they reflect the institutional policies of UNAD</p>
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<section class="main-section"id="lineal_programming_framewor">
<header hidden="header-hidden">lineal rogramming framewor</header>
<a class="nav-link" href="">lineal rogramming framewor</a>
<p>Linear Programming (LP) is a mathematical procedure for determining the optimal allocation of scarce resources and finds its practical application in almost all facets of business, from advertising to production planning. Transportation, distribution, and global production planning problems are the most common objects of his analysis.</p>
<code>Una compañía fabrica y venden dos modelos de lámpara L1 y L2. Para su fabricación se necesita un trabajo manual de 20 minutos para el modelo L1 y de 30 minutos para el L2; y un trabajo de máquina de 20 minutos para el modelo L1 y de 10 minutos para L2.
<p>La programación lineal aborda una clase de problemas de programación donde tanto la función objetivo a optimizar como todas las relaciones entre las variables correspondientes a los recursos son lineales. Este problema fue formulado y resuelto por primera vez a fines de la década del 40.</p>
<code> 1 Elección de las incógnitas.
x = nº de lámparas L1
y = nº de lámparas L2
2 Función objetivo
f(x, y) = 15x + 10y
3 Restricciones
Pasamos los tiempos a horas
20 min = 1/3 h
30 min = 1/2 h
10 min = 1/6 h
Para escribir las restricciones vamos a ayudarnos de una tabla:
L1 L2 Tiempo
Manual 1/3 1/2 100
Máquina 1/3 1/6 80
1/3x + 1/2y ≤ 100
1/3x + 1/6y ≤ 80</code>
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<section class="main-section"id="object_oriented_programming">
<header hidden="header-hidden">object oriented programming</header>
<a class="nav-link" href="">object oriented programming</a>
<p>Object-oriented programming is based on the concept of creating a model of the target problem in your programs. Object-oriented programming decreases errors and promotes code reuse. Python is an object-oriented language. Objects defined in Python have the following characteristics:</p>
<code>num_attempts = 0
number = rand(1..10)
found = false
print "Adivina el número de 1 a 10 que estoy pensando: "
guess = gets.chomp.to_i
if guess == number
puts "Muy bien! Lo lograste en #{num_attemps} intentos!"
found = true
puts "Lo siento! No es el número, intenta nuevamente."
num_attempts += 1
<p>This code starts by initializing the variables we are going to use: num_attempts and number. We also create a found variable that will tell us if the answer has already been found.</p>
<code>class Game
attr_reader :num_attempts, :found
def initialize
@number = rand(1..10)
@num_attempts = 0
@found = false
def attempt(guess)
if guess == number
@found = true
@num_attempts += 1
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<section class="main-section" id="c_plus_plus_programming_structure">
<header hidden="header-hidden">c plus plus programming structure</header>
<a class="nav-link" href="">c plus plus programming structure</a>
<p>It seems to me that the best way to not lose the interest of the readers of this section by boring them with many concepts and theories, is through an example (we all like practice). So let's look at our first program in C++, which, although it is not very extensive or complicated, nor does it do much, will help us to establish some bases that will be very useful for the following examples that will appear during the rest of the course. Do not worry if you do not understand anything at first, because I will take care of teaching you everything and that way we will be better, if you do not understand something or you think that I failed to explain something, tell me, that is what the comments section is for at the end of each content , that's where we'll be communicating.</p>
int main()
int numero;
numero = 5 + 5;
return 0;
<p>Our first line contains the call to the main function, the main() function, it is the most important of all the functions (it is the mother of the program hehehe), because it is this that our compiler will look for to start the execution of our code, if this function is missing, our program will not be able to start, because it will not know where to do it from. The main function, like any other, must have a type, that is, it must indicate the value that it is going to return at the end, the types of the functions can be, integers (int), simple decimals (float), double decimals (double), booleans (bool), empty (void) among some more. The main function can be any of these, but by agreement, it is always set to integer (int) and will always return 0 (more on this later). Sometimes (depending on the compiler), it can be set to void and therefore a return cannot be used, although it is not recommended, simply for clarity and to avoid errors with more traditional compilers.</p>
int main(){int numero;numero = 5 + 5;return 0;}
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<section class="main-section" id="attribute_programming">
<header hidden="header-hidden">attribute programming</header>
<a class="nav-link" href="">attribute programming</a>
<p>Attribute is a term that is used in various fields of IT. Generally, an attribute is used to describe a file or data field in more detail. In object-oriented programming, attributes are a property or characteristic that can be assigned to an object (item). By using attributes you can assign specific values to certain elements.</p>
<code><element atributo=""></element></code>
<p>The three most common areas in which attributes are used in the IT field are:</p>
<li>Data processing</li>
<code><H2 id="my id">...</h2></code>
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<section class="main-section" id="Java_programming_structure">
<header hidden="header-hidden">Java programming structure</header>
<a class="nav-link" href="">Java programming structure</a>
<p>This chapter aims to present the structure of a program by means of a simple example and to show two typical elements of the source code: comments and identifiers. The structure of a Java program is similar to that of a C/C++ program. By design, it allows programmers of any other language to read Java code without much difficulty. Java always uses Object Oriented Programming so all code is included within classes. Although they will be explained in detail later, classes are combinations of data (constants and variables) and routines (methods).</p>
A program can be built using several classes. In the simplest case, a single class will be used. This class contains the main program, routine or method: main() and this includes the statements of the main program. These statements are separated from each other by semicolons</p>
public class ClasePrincipal {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// ...
* La clase hola construye un programa que
* muestra un mensaje en pantalla
public class Hola {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hola, ");
System.out.println("me llamo Angel");
System.out.println("Hasta luego");
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<section class="main-section" id="if_programming_structure">
<header hidden="header-hidden">if programming structure</header>
<a class="nav-link" href="">if programming structure</a>
<p>If statements are logical blocks used within programming. They’re conditional statements that tell a computer what to do with certain information. In otheif programming structurer words, they let a program make ‘decisions’ while it’s running. </p>
<code>‘IF [value] is greater than 70, THEN IF [value] is less than 80, THEN IF [run action]’</code>
<p>They’re comprised of a minimum of two parts, ‘if’ and ‘then’. However, there are also options such as ‘else’ and ‘else if’ for more complex if statements.</p>
<code>If statements also interact separately from each other.</code>