Python 3 - I need help to find the error in my code 😓

Hi everyone.

I am new to programming and to this forum as well. I’ve started to learn Python just recently, and as a challenge, I wanted to create a very basic “game”.

At the beginning it was pretty simple, I just coded a few lines so that when I run the program, I could move on a 100-cases grid (to the left when I type “l”, upwards when I type “u”…). And after it worked, I started adding more and more functions, allowing me to gather some fruits when on a specific case, store those fruits in a basket on another case, cook some fruit desserts, etc.

It was working just fine, but as soon as I added a new function allowing me to “teleport” from one case to another (btw, the function works, I tested it seperately), the program no longer worked. When I try to run it with IDLE, it says the syntax of the “gather” function is invalid. The strange thing is, this same function worked perfectly before.

But I don’t know, I’m probably missing something since it doesn’t work. I would be glad if someone could help me to find the error :slight_smile:

# Location defined as (x, y)
location = [1, 1]

apple = 0
banana = 0
strawberry = 0
mango = 0
cherry = 0

apple_stored = 0
banana_stored = 0
strawberry_stored = 0
mango_stored = 0
cherry_stored = 0

fruit_salad = 0
apple_pie = 0
banana_split = 0
mango_juice = 0


Functions for directions
l for left
r for right
u for up
d for down


def moveLeft():
	global location
	if (location[0] > 0):
		location = [location[0] - 1, location[1]]
		print("You cannot move to the left.")

def moveRight():
	global location
	if (location[0] < 10):
		location = [location[0] + 1, location[1]]
		print("You cannot move to the right.")

def moveUp():
	global location
	if (location[1] > 0):
		location = [location[0], location[1] - 1]
		print("You cannot move upwards.")

def moveDown():
	global location
	if (location[1] < 10):
		location = [location[0], location[1] + 1]
		print("You cannot move downwards.")


Check the location
Tells if you can gather when (0, 6)
Tells if you can store when (10, 2)
Tells if you can cook when (5, 5) 


def checkCase():
	global location
	if (location == [0, 6]):
		print("You can gather here to get some fruits. Type 'gather' and press 'Enter' to gather. Type any other direction to pass.")
	elif (location == [10, 2]):
		print("You're in front of your basket. You can store some items ? Type 'store' and press 'Enter' to store. Type any other direction to pass.")
		print("You can also type 'see basket' to see the items in your basket.")
	elif (location == [5, 5]):
		print("Here you can type the name of the recipe you want to make. You can make a 'fruit salad', an 'apple pie', a 'banana split' or some 'mango juice'.")
		print("You can also type 'see fridge' to see what you already made.")
	# elif

# Passes when you can gather (type 'gather' before), only when at [0, 6]

def gather():
	global location
	global apple
	global banana
	global strawberry
	global mango
	global cherry
	if (location == [0, 6]):
		if ((apple + banana + strawberry + mango + cherry) < 10):
			from random import randint
			x = randint(1, 5)
			if (x == 1):
				print("You got 1 apple.")
				apple += 1
			elif (x == 2):
				print("You got 1 banana.")
				banana += 1
			elif (x == 3):
				print("You got 1 strawberry.")
				strawberry += 1
			elif (x == 4):
				print("You got 1 mango.")
				mango += 1
			elif (x == 5):
				print("You got 1 cherry.")
				cherry += 1
			print("Your bag is full, you no longer have enough room for more fruits. You can store some of them in your basket.")
		print("You cannot gather fruits here...")

# Passes when you 'store', when at [10, 2]

def store():
	global location
	global apple
	global apple_stored
	global banana
	global banana_stored
	global strawberry
	global strawberry_stored
	global mango
	global mango_stored
	global cherry
	global cherry_stored

	if (location == [10, 2]):
		storeWhat = input("Which item do you want to store ?")
		if (storeWhat == "apple"):
			print("You've stored 1 apple.")
			apple -= 1
			apple_stored += 1
		elif (storeWhat == "banana"):
			print("You've stored 1 banana.")
			banana -= 1
			banana_stored += 1
		elif (storeWhat == "strawberry"):
			print("You've stored 1 strawberry.")
			strawberry -= 1
			strawberry_stored += 1
		elif (storeWhat == "mango"):
			print("You've stored 1 mango.")
			mango -= 1
			mango_stored += 1
		elif (storeWhat == "cherry"):
			print("You've stored 1 cherry.")
			cherry -= 1
			cherry_stored += 1
		print("You cannot store your items here...")

# Function to skip several cases (teleport)
def teleport():
	global location
	print("Where do you want to go ?")
	location_x = int(input("x = ?"))
	location_y = int(input("y = ?"))
	if (location_x >= 0 and location_x <= 10 and location_y >= 0 and location_y <= 10):
		location[0] = location_x
		location[1] = location_y
		print("You now moved to :", location)
		print("This case is not defined.")

# Function to make available recipes

def make():
	global location
	global apple
	global banana
	global strawberry
	global mango
	global cherry
	global fruit_salad
	global apple_pie
	global banana_split
	global mango_juice

	if (location == [5, 5]):
		cookWhat = input()
		if (cookWhat == "fruit salad"):
			if (apple > 0 and banana > 0 and strawberry > 0 and mango > 0 and cherry > 0):
				print("You made a fruit salad.")
				fruit_salad += 1
				apple -= 1
				banana -= 1
				strawberry -= 1
				mango -= 1
				cherry -= 1
				print("You don't have the required ingredients to make a fruit salad.")
		elif (cookWhat == "apple pie"):
			if (apple > 3):
				print("You made an apple pie.")
				apple_pie += 1
				apple -= 4
				print("You don't have enough apples to make an apple pie.")
		elif (cookWhat == "banana split"):
			if (banana > 0):
				print("You made a banana split.")
				banana_split += 1
				banana -= 1
				print("You don't have any banana to make a banana split.")
		elif (cookWhat == "mango juice"):
			if (mango > 2):
				print("You made some mango juice.")
				mango_juice += 1
				mango -= 3
				print("You don't have enough mangoes to make mango juice.")
		print("You cannot cook here...")

print ("You can move in any direction, you just have to type the first letter of the direction you want to go to (for instance, 'l' for 'left'. To see the items in your bag, type 'see bag'.")
print("Your location :", location)

while (apple_pie < 2):
	action = input()
	if (action == "l"):
		print("You've now moved to :", location)
	elif (action == "r"):
		print("You've now moved to:", location)
	elif (action == "u"):
		print("You've now moved to :", location)
	elif (action == "d"):
		print("You've now moved to :", location)
	elif (action == "gather"):
	elif (action == "store"):
	elif (action == "see bag"):
		print("You have {} apple(s), {} banana(s), {} strawberry(ies), {} mango(es) and {} cherry(ies) in your bag.".format(apple, banana, strawberry, mango, cherry))
	elif (action == "see basket"):
		print("You have {} apple(s), {} banana(s), {} strawberry(ies), {} mango(es) and {} cherry(ies) stored in your basket.".format(apple_stored, banana_stored, strawberry_stored, mango_stored, cherry_stored))
	elif (action == "cook"):
	elif (action == "see fridge"):
		print("You have {} fruit salad(s), {} apple pie(s), {} banana split(s) and {} bottle(s) of mango juice in your fridge.".format(fruit_salad, apple_pie, banana_split, mango_juice))
	elif (action == "teleport"):

print("You now have 2 apple pies. Well done!")

I can’t even run the program. Apparently, it worked for you so now I’m confused.

Hey, so I did what you suggested but I still get the error. Do you have any idea what could be the cause of the problem ?