Q re Documentation Page project

Hello everyone,

I just have a quick question if anyone happens to know the answer (it’s not in relation to my code specifically, just something I would like to know the answer to…).

One of the instructions in the Tech. Doc. project is that: " The first child of each .main-sectionshould be aheader element.". In order to head up each section in the document, I have used <h1> tags, so does this mean that I have to wrap all of those <h1> tags in a separate <header> tag and if so, what is the benefit of this?

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Hello Coderostro,

That means something like the following to me:

<div class="main-section">

<div class="main-section">

This assumes that content is contained within their respective elements.

Does this help?
Keep up the good progress!

Happy Coding! :slightly_smiling_face:

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thank you very much

I actually wrapped the header tags around < h1> tags for each entry so that the text would ‘look right’ (maybe it is supposed to be styled separately with CSS>) Assuming that that is correct, I was wondering why each pair of i < h1 > tags would then need to be wrapped in tags?


It seems that there is a bit of confusion with the h1 through h6 elements and the header element. These are independent and styling can be applied independently.

> “Heading elements are used to signify the importance of the content below them.”

> “The <header> tag is a container which is used for navigational links or introductory content.”

The header element is wrapping the content for organization reasons which will no doubt become apparent later in the development process.

Does this help?

Happy Coding! :slightly_smiling_face:


yes, that does help

thank you very much!


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