Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai - Learn How JavaScript Assertions Work

hi guys ! So everything works locally on my console, and on replit’s console as well; the tests pass ! but when i submit the link to the freeCodeCamp page it doesn’t seem to recognise it. idk what i’m doing wrong here! I’m going to keep studying it locally and uploading it to github while I can’t figure out what is happening. You can check out my code there as well, and see that the tests are checking green locally !

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Challenge: Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai - Learn How JavaScript Assertions Work

Link to the challenge:

i’m trying:

and this replit link (with the same code) :


i literally cloned it out of a github fork, then i did my branch and went to completing the challenges. i’m running on console with npm run start

you can see in the bottom left corner that that code is on the QA-with-Chai branch, which is under my forked repo. no commits to happen, everything synchronised. so the link below should work right? it doesnt

GitHub - Costa-Vitor-Fernandes/boilerplate-mochachai at QA-with-Chai

ooooooooh, now i get it ! hahahah thanks, sorry im a newbie :')

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