Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai - Learn How JavaScript Assertions Work

Tell us what’s happening:

Today I started learning “Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai” on freecodecamp. But I can’t complete the challenge in lesson one “Learn How JavaScript Assertions Work”.
I use Gitpod to complete these challenges (the second method).

In gitpod, I modified test#1 of 'Basic Assertions" suite in 1_unit-tests.js.

Then, on freecodecamp, I submitted Solution Link “https://3000-freecodecam-boilerplate-8cs4v2p1g8g.ws-us108.gitpod.io” and click “I’ve completed this chanllenge” button. The Tests are not passed.

what should I do?

Your code so far

// #1
test(‘#isNull, #isNotNull’, function () {
assert.isNull(null, ‘This is an optional error description - e.g. null is null’);
assert.isNotNull(1, ‘1 is not null’);

Your browser information:

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge Information:

Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai - Learn How JavaScript Assertions Work


你的代码看起来没问题,但是你的解决方案页面显示 404,你可以再检查一下吗?


这两个新的链接仍然不能打开,我还没有用过 Gitpod,不知道它的链接为啥会超时。
你可以看看这个 issue,似乎需要注释还没写的测试。
另外,这个帖子详细介绍了 Gitpod 的使用,你也可以参考:How to Use Gitpod in the Curriculum

应该是没共享, 没有访问权限。 所以返回 404

直接在 gitpod 服务器上运行测试代码是没问题的

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use Gitpod, you should make port public