Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai - Run Functional Tests on an API Response using Chai-HTTP IV - PUT method

Cannot pass the challenge on Run Functional Tests on an API Response using Chai-HTTP IV - PUT method

I have tried testing using ChaiHTTP via a glitch. log functional test has passed. but when I put the link from the functional testing glitch on the solution link, I couldn’t successfully continue the I’ve completed this challenge button.

Need your advice, thankyou :grinning:

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Challenge: Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai - Run Functional Tests on an API Response using Chai-HTTP IV - PUT method

Link to the challenge:

Post a link to your Glitch.

my glitch

this my project

Your brackets are not correct. You need to close the “Test GET /hello with no name” test function correctly and remove the }); from before the closing “Integration tests with chai-http” suite function.

Please link to the editor when asking for help.

wow it works, thank you for correcting my code

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