Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai - Run Functional Tests on an API Response using Chai-HTTP IV - PUT method

Tell us what’s happening:

so i am working on functional tests of chai and as i am presenting the live code link to the website it is not accepting the code and showing that there is some unknown error which there is not. please look in the problem as i am unable to proceed with the course and help me out with it. i am also sharing the live link to the answer to my problem so you can go and check the functional tests.

###Your project link(s)

solution: Glitch :・゚✧

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

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Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai - Run Functional Tests on an API Response using Chai-HTTP IV - PUT method

Hello, I just pasted this in for the solution link https://cobalt-familiar-perch.glitch.me and passed the requirements is this what you did ?

I did the same thing too😭
It was always showing some error that i tried to fix a lot of times.

What error?

Your code is passing for me as well.

Are you sure you are submitting the correct URL and that it is running (Glitch will wake it up, do not submit until the page with the form has loaded)


actually it was showing an error with a big paragraph and it was really confusing to comprehend what the error actually was and yes i was submitting my url the correct way too idk why it kept showing the same error.
but nvm i just re-used the same code and well it worked well. so thank you for your help <3