Quality Assurance Projects - Issue Tracker

All 14 functional tests are not complete and passing.
// running tests
All 14 functional tests are complete and passing.
// tests completed
// console output
[Error: Test in Passed State: expected ‘failed’ to equal ‘passed’]
Your project link(s)

solution: boilerplate-project-issuetracker - Replit

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Challenge: Quality Assurance Projects - Issue Tracker

Link to the challenge:

Your code is passing for me.

I might be wrong but I have to point it out. I asked you before if you were copying people’s code.

Not long ago there was a different user with the same code that doesn’t make sense to have. It was pretty memorable so not something I would forget.

if (req.body.issue_title == 'Faux Issue 1') {
  db = [];

It seems unlikely you both would have that code. But even if I’m wrong and it is your code, it is not correct to do what it is doing. You can’t just wipe out data like that.

Copying code is a breach of the rules you agreed to.

Personally, I don’t really care all that much but I also do not see the point of copying projects you are meant to use as a learning tool. The certificates mean nothing if you did not learn anything when getting them.

I do apologize if I’m wrong but I have to call it out and I see no other way of doing it.

Okay sir

I’m leaving it.

Thank you for the kind words.
I’m quitting .
The reason I came back is I can give one more try.
But I think you won’t let me so I QUIT.
I wanted to be in this field.
I know about coding but either I need time.
I’m not nerd like you.
I’m sorry.
But for me somehow I need to crack this and move one.
So if you are not allowing and judging me.
Then no use.

Hes not preventing you from doing anything. It was pointed out that your code is the same as another users. As he pointed it, copying from another user is against the rules to what you agreed to. He also apologized that if he is wrong, and it is actually your code but from your response I think it might not actually be your code. It just needs to be kept in mind that you are not really learning if you are using someone elses code. This forum is always open to ask questions, and there are a lot of people who will work with you on your own code.

We all have to struggle and learn. Nobody is born with this knowledge. Suggesting other people have it easy because they are “nerds” is a poor excuse and frankly a little rude.

I would suggest you try to code this yourself and ask for help with it. It will take time, and you will get frustrated, but in the end, you will have learned a lot.

You can do whatever you like, just know if the code you submit is deemed to be plagiarism you may have your certificate removed and your account banned. I don’t make the rules.

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