Quality Assurance Projects - Sudoku Solver Stuck

Tell us what’s happening:
Hi guys! It’s me …again!
And I’m stuck…again!
I’m having issues when filling the sudoku by the cells’ inputs and by the text inputs.

Although I’m already able to fill the sudoku from the big input it only fills it right the first time, when I try to change one number it gets crazy.

Your code so far
Here is my code for the sudoku solver:

const textArea = document.getElementById('text-input');

//Split the input string from the text area
const sudokuFill = (str) => {
  str = str.split('');
  let j = 1;
  let letter = '';
  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    if (!isNaN(str[i])) {
      //Getting letter
      if (i >= 0 && i <= 8) {
        letter = 'A';
      } else if (i > 8 && i <= 17) {
        letter = 'B';
      } else if (i > 17 && i <= 26) {
        letter = 'C';
      } else if (i > 26 && i <= 35) {
        letter = 'D';
      } else if (i > 35 && i <= 44) {
        letter = 'E';
      } else if (i > 44 && i <= 53) {
        letter = 'F';
      } else if (i > 53 && i <= 62) {
        letter = 'G';
      } else if (i > 62 && i <= 71) {
        letter = 'H';
      } else if (i > 71 && i <= 80) {
        letter = 'I';
      // Getting id
      let iden = letter + j.toString();
      //Inserting cell
      // console.log(
      //   'im iden: ' + iden,
      //   'im str[i]: ' + str[i],
      //   'im j: ' + j,
      //   'im i: ' + i
      // );
      document.getElementById(iden).value = str[i];
    if (j == 10) {
      j = 1;

//Get the cell number for the array's index from the Id
const sudokuGetCell = (str) => {
  str = str.split('');
  switch (str[0]) {
    case 'A':
      return str[1];
    case 'B':
      return str[1] + 8;
    case 'C':
      return str[1] + 17;
    case 'D':
      return str[1] + 26;
    case 'E':
      return str[1] + 35;
    case 'F':
      return str[1] + 44;
    case 'G':
      return str[1] + 53;
    case 'H':
      return str[1] + 62;
    case 'I':
      return str[1] + 71;
// const { puzzlesAndSolutions } = require('./puzzle-strings.js');
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  //Load a simple puzzle into the text area
  textArea.value =
document.getElementById('text-input').addEventListener('keyup', function () {
  console.log('imhere: ', document.getElementById('text-input').value);
document.getElementsByTagName('td').addEventListener('keyup', function () {
  console.log('imhere: ', document.getElementById('text-input').value);
  Export your functions for testing in Node.
  Note: The `try` block is to prevent errors on
  the client side
try {
  module.exports = {};
} catch (e) {}

If you guys could help me out a bit, or give me ideas to a right and more elegant solution I would appreciate it so much.
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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.125 Safari/537.36.

Challenge: Sudoku Solver

Link to the challenge:

1 Like

Oh and I forgot! Here is the repo:

Hi @ DavLiendoProgramming

I am also starting on this challenge and I’m completely stuck. In the other challenges, there was an api.js file and the get and post requests were prepared for you. Here, in which file should I write my code? There are so many files I don’t even know where to start.

Greetings my fellow programmer!
What I understood of this challenge is that there are no needed routes and that you only need to solve the sudoku and work with the user’s input as described in the requirements

Yes true - it’s helpful to look at the index.html in Views folder - sometimes there are scripts in there to be aware of, and especially to see what the names are of elements you will be targeting.
But all of the work will be done in the sudukoSolver.js in the public folder(with the .css file)

Hope that helps?

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