Hi - I’m having a couple of issues that I cannot find an answer to fix and am looking for some suggestions. 1) my image in the top “about” section I want round and further up in the section. 2) I’d like my projects and placeholders to be evenly spaced two per row. I’m really feeling stuck on this and can’t seem to find an answer by searching. I would appreciate any help!
I'm sorry my english is not so good, if you want to put your projects in 1 row try this
<div class="row text-center">
<iframe class="preview" src="http://codepen.io/Loefloer/full/RozYww/"></iframe>
<iframe class="preview" src="https://placehold.it/300x150">
Leander - thank you for your message and notations. I don’t think you’re being rude - on the contrary, I appreciate the feedback! I’m still so confused on why certain code is included or not.
Thank you, Stanislav. I compared yours to mine and see the couple of changes that you made. Any idea why my third and fourth placeholder projects aren’t showing on the page? Also, any idea why my mountain picture is oval vs round? I appreciate your review and assistance!
Your suggestions were very helpful - thank you again! I’ve attached my updated code in case you have further feedback. I’m trying to get my mountain picture round and am missing my placeholders for the third and fourth projects. I appreciate your feedback!
Hi Lori -
I’m super-new, also working on the initial portfolio project. (It’s a mess right now.) But I did learn and successfully implement the code for making your image round.
–Sorry I don’t know how to write this with the <> without the editor thinking I am trying to add an image, so you’ll have to imagine them there–
img class=“img-circle” src="# "
You can also put both classes together like this:
img class=“img-circle img-responsive” src="# "
You can click on the MAP button in the header and review lessons for clues too!
Thank you, Teri! I did research how to make an image round and did find your solution, only I could NOT get it to work! I had a couple people look at it and couldn’t figure out why. I guess that’s why it’s good to do things more than 1 or 2 different way, especially when starting out. I appreciate your time and suggestions!