Questions after completed File-Metadata Microservice project

I’ve managed to complete this project, and this is the github repo of codes I wrote.
however, I have some questions regards this project:

  1. I thought this project will require me to implement mlab to provide a database, but looks like I don’t have to because the Multer middleware uploads whatever user files to the project folder. I know mlab’s sandbox plan provide database of size 16MB, then how much size do I have in heroku to accomodate all user uploaded files?

  2. It is recommendable not to implement mlab database for this project?

Would like to know more about what this project entails. Also would appreciated any reference to other articles that discuss this project.:slight_smile:

I didn’t use a database (or mlab, natch) for this build. I see nothing in the user stories that would require it and the example doesn’t seem to either. The only builds I used a DB on were the image search and the url shortener because they were the only ones needing data saved.

I see, thank you. Good to know about how you approached the project:)

looks like I don’t have to because the Multer middleware uploads whatever user files to the project folder

Looks like you answered your own question!

how much size do I have in heroku to accomodate all user uploaded files?

Delete the file as soon as you have uploaded it or name it the same name and it will be overwritten.
You are just providing meta data about a file, not creating a file store.

Understanding requirements is a major skill of a web developer.

Delete the file as soon as you have uploaded it or name it the same name and it will be overwritten.
You are just providing meta data about a file, not creating a file store.

Oh you are right ! Didn’t think of that!

Understanding requirements is a major skill of a web developer.

Thank you for the enlightenment:smiley:

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