I have a full-time job as as fiber optic technician. However, my job doesn’t have a consistent schedule. I have the most random schedule day by day. There are times I get scheduled at night time and there are times I get scheduled early in the day or late in the afternoon randomly. It is not your regular 9-5 job, which makes it hard for me to schedule my time to study. I have studied programming foundations using python and javascript. I learned html and css too. I realized I do like coding and would like to be able to make projects out of it . However, it is getting harder for me to have the mental energy to do so. So my question is , is it worth to quit my job and be unemployed for 3 months to deep dive on studying coding in 2020 so I can try to get into software development job without a degree
I would seriously think about not doing this on the eve of an enormous global recession. It may work out fine, but getting a first job in software is not easy (even without the huge contraction of economies that is currently occurring), and three months is not a long time, so it is unlikely: more likely is that you just won’t have a job.
Why not take some of your free time and see how far you go before quitting your job.
Hmm I see, I really would think about it
It would be extremely rare to be able to accomplish this in 3 months. Keep in mind that even for experienced developers who have already worked professionally in the field, it’s common for a job search to take about 6 months.
Ultimately, only you know your situation the best. We are only getting partial information on your life, and it would be irresponsible of us to recommend you to make a major life-changing decision without the full context. For example, we have no barometer for your technical competency based on your description. We don’t know what your financial situation is like and what other life responsibilities you carry.
Like many pointed out before, these are uncertain times to be opting out of a steady paycheck, so if you don’t have to, probably stay put for now. We are talking about a job market that can be difficult to penetrate at times.
Unless you have been mostly job-ready and have prepared somewhat diligently on your job search(portfolio, networking, resume…etc), 3 months is a very optimistic timeline for a person without prior experience.
I think, for the time being, you need to try to just be creative with your time and use them effectively. It’s challenging and you may not progress as fast as a dedicated full-time learner, but the important thing is to progress to a point where you are confident in your technical ability.
Learning full-time isn’t a guarantee that you’ll learn and progress faster, either. You need to honestly self-evaluate and figure out if you’re the kind of person that can just buckle down and manage all distractions while working toward a goal.
I can honestly tell you that I wasn’t when I was unemployed and decided to work toward being a developer. The lack of financial security and the anxiety of living a life stalled in limbo really overwhelmed me. I was deliberately stalling my progress and self-sabotaging. It took a convoluted route to get me out of a spiral, so believe me when I say full-time dedicated self-study may not work for everyone.
If you work for a big telecom company, it may be worth your while to reach out within the company to the tech/hiring relevant people and express your interest in being a developer, and see what their needs and requirements are, and get a gauge on just how far away you are from being employable as a developer.
While I have little to no experience as a programmer, I can say that jobs are more valuable than ever and giving up one right now would be silly. Everything in baby steps - try balance the two.
On a side note, I know I handle best under pressure. So when I put in three hours after work to study, I make the most of those three hours. If I had an entire month I might just end up dilly dallying day to day, and learning less efficiently in the long run.
I’m not saying we’re the same, but it’s something to think about. As mentioned above, we can’t reasonably recommend anything for you because nobody knows the situation like you do.
Best of luck, stay safe.
3 months ? Way too soon
You need to learn lots of things, build a portfolio so people can actually see your work, gain some connection in web development world and then go through many interviews before you “hit the jackpot”
@psychometry have some very good points that I’d wish I would go by when I did something similar.
I thought it would be clever to “toss the hat over the wall” and force myself to study, but I just ended up quitting my job and failing at what I was studying.
I was also very influenced by my family and friends to do this, they thought it sounded like a great idea because I was so passionate about it, but they didn’t know half of the story, and that it was actually pretty bad idea. Same as we do here, we don’t know all the complications in your life at the moment. I’d play it safe.
As many people have pointed out, these are uncertain times, I’d advised against quitting your job now. For now, just set yourself a goal for every day, study at least 2 hours, it really doesn’t matter what time during the day you do this.
Besides 3 months of studying full time is probably not enough to get a dev job, in my case it took me almost 11 months to get my first job and I was studying full time. I know some people are able to get a job in less time, but it is rare.