R. Web Design Certification Feedback (5 Project)

Hey coders,

i am 28 years old wanna-be programmer, developer. Beside my full-time job, i am started to learn web developing with freeCodeCamp.

Recently finished the Responsive Web Design Certification lessons (which took 10 hours to complete). Then i wanted to make exactly the same 5 projects without looking the source code of example pages.

Apparently as a new user, we can’t use more than 2 links in a post. So delete the “2 space” to see my other 3 projects. Feedback appreciated :slight_smile:
https: //codepen. io/VisualVelocity/full/xxVmOWg
https: //codepen. io/VisualVelocity/full/bGpOPOz
https: //codepen. io/VisualVelocity/full/LYNqQwY

Welcome to the forums @MertDurmaz. It would have been better/easier if you asked for feedback after each project rather than all at once. It would have prevented some of the same mistakes.

The sample projects are just that. Examples of one way the projects can be completed. Each of them say yours should be “functionally similar” and “give it your own personal style”.
You should not look at the source code of the example pages. You should start with a blank page and fulfill each user story with your own code and then style it with your own code. Each of your projects has both HTML and CSS code that is exactly the same as the sample. Not everything is a copy but enough to where it doesn’t look like original code.

There are differences, yes. Some things about each of your projects;

  • Keep the test script when forking the pen (<script src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/testable-projects-fcc/v1/bundle.js"></script>).
    • The test script should be included, with all tests passing, when you submit your projects.
      • None of your projects pass all user stories;
        • tribute page passes 9/10 user stories
        • survey form passes 15/17 user stories
        • prod land passes 14/16 user stories
        • tech doc passes 10/16 user stories
        • portfolio passes 10/12 user stories

Some additional takeaways;

  • Run your HTML code through the W3C validator.
    • There are HTML coding errors you should be aware of and address.
  • For the tribute page review the lesson about giving meaningful text to links.
  • Don’t use the <br> element to force line breaks or spacing. That’s what CSS is for.


Hi Roma. First of all thanks for warm welcoming to forums and also thanks for the feedback aswell. I will try to fix and pay more attention to what you mentioned.

As i said before i am pretty newbie but i have a big desire to learn. :slight_smile: