Random Quote Machine - feedback

here is my Random Quote Machine project. I tried to keep it simple. Any feedback is welcome.



You have done a great job man. Excellent!

Thank you, I just found one irritating bug. When you click for another quote while first one is still being typed the message section goes crazy. Fortunately have managed to solved this out.

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Nice job! I really like the animation.

I love the quotes, everything is very well done, but those colors man ;___; I think they’re a little over the top, you should checkout some color theory and color psychology, if you don’t want to spend time doing that, just search some color scheme generator. I use this one to rice my Linux all the time https://coolors.co/

Thank for the feedback guys. I will definitely check some color theory. Thanks for that color generator, I know it is going to be very helpful for me. I have added some new colors but frankly speaking I have no idea witch of them are correct. I will learn about it at some point of my course.

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great job. i am also starting this challenge. Could ou suggest me like how did you started it and where did the idea came from?

Hi there,
idea simply came from example given by FCC. My app is not much different than this one. I just wanted to give it something else so I added typing (it is just a plugin). I thing than the best way for all apps is to keep it simple. I like to start with raw structure of html then move to JS. Then comes CSS. At the end the most important thing - bug solving. I’m also new in coding. There is still so much to learn. But we can get there.

thanku for the help.