I have a functioning product, it passes all the tests and I’m planning to just pretty it up soon and then add it to the portfolio.
I’m curious if I was expected to use more than just jQuery from the front end libraries though.
I’ve just been struggling quite a bit with the React / Redux stuff and after looking at the 5 projects from this section, I can only see the one project where I would use React / Redux.
I know I shouldn’t overcomplicate things but, am I missing out from not using these technologies in these projects?
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I’ve looked into the ready method and updated accordingly, I’ve also added 5 more quotes and fixed it so that it doesn’t show any quote twice in a row.
I always thought scripts for loading in jQuery and whatnot should go in the head? Are you referring to just the FreeCodeCamp tester element or all javascript elements?
Most scripts should not be loaded in the head unless you can defer. But there’s stuff like analytics that needs to run early in the page load.
I’d just get in the habit of doing the loading at the bottom or using defer/async. And as said, make sure not to do any manipulation of the DOM or CSSOM before they are ready.