React.js: Function passed from parent component to child component not getting called


I have a parent component A with a form which contains a configurable section with a child component B. I am trying to pass props to the child, one is a string called visitUuid which gets updated when a visit is created successfully and the handleSubmit event which is called on submitting the parent component and should be used to handle submitting the child component values to a different api. I can see my visitUuid prop but the handleSubmit does submit values in the child component. On logging it, i can see its contents. Any advise or useful links on how to use one submit handler for a parent and child will be appreciated.

My Parent Component :

interface VisitFormProps {
  patientUuid: string;
  closePanel: () => void;
const StartVisitForm: React.FC<VisitFormProps> = ({ patientUuid, closePanel }) => {
  const handleSubmit = useCallback(
    (event) => {
      const payload: NewVisitPayload = {};
      const abortController = new AbortController();
      saveVisit(payload, abortController)
          (response) => {
            if (response.status === 201) { setVisitUuid(; showToast(); }
          (error) => { showNotification() },
  const patientState = useMemo(
    () => ({ patientUuid, visitUuid, handleSubmit }),
    [patientUuid, visitUuid, handleSubmit],
  const handleOnChange = () => {
    setIgnoreChanges((prevState) => !prevState);
  return (
    <Form className={styles.form} onChange={handleOnChange}>
          labelText={t('middleName', 'Middle name')}
          onChange={(event) => setMiddleName(}
        <ExtensionSlot className={styles.content} extensionSlotName="add-queue-entry-slot" state={patientState} /> // child component
      <Button onClick={handleSubmit} className={styles.button} kind="primary" type="submit">
        {t('startVisit', 'Start visit')}
export default StartVisitForm;

My Child Component:

interface StartVisitQueueFieldsProps {
  patientUuid: string;
  visitUuid: string;
  handleSubmit: (event) => void;
const StartVisitQueueFields: React.FC<StartVisitQueueFieldsProps> = ({ patientUuid, visitUuid, handleSubmit }) => {
  // to add queue entry if visit is not empty
  // check visit form event
  handleSubmit = (evt) => {
    const queuePayload: QueueEntryPayload = {};
    console.log("im almost submitting!")
    if (visitUuid !== undefined) {
      console.log('im here', visitUuid);
      saveQueueEntry(queuePayload, abortController)
          (response) => {
            if (response.status === 201) { showToast();}
          (error) => { showNotification();},
  return (
    <Form className={styles.form} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <section className={styles.section}>
        <div className={styles.sectionTitle}>{t('queueLocation', 'Queue Location')}</div>
              labelText={t('selectQueueLocation', 'Select a queue location')}
              onChange={(event) => setSelectedQueueLocation(}>
export default StartVisitQueueFields;

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