I’m needing to pass a function to a child, which I can do, but then trying to send that function an argument from the child isn’t working.
Heres my parent function and child call:
inputMade(val) {
let currentInput = this.state.input + val;
input: currentInput
<CalcButtons returnValue={this.inputMade}/>
And here is my trying to call the function with an argument from the child component:
<button onClick={this.props.returnValue("1")}>1</button>
When deleting the argument and parentheses, the code renders (but obviously doesn’t work as intended) but with the argument it breaks.
While continuing research I found through the React website you have to treat it as a function. So in ES6:
<button onClick={() => this.props.returnValue(1)}>1</button>
and it works now. Thanks