Reinitializing Variables Inside a Loop

Tell us what’s happening:
why this code only works when row is declared inside the outer loop

Your code so far

function zeroArray(m, n) {
  // Creates a 2-D array with m rows and n columns of zeroes
  let newArray = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    // Adds the m-th row into newArray
    let row = [];
    for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      // Pushes n zeroes into the current row to create the columns
    // Pushes the current row, which now has n zeroes in it, to the array
  return newArray;

let matrix = zeroArray(3, 2);

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Link to the challenge:

Variable row is meant to be only subarrays, nested down only one level from newArray.

If row variable is outside of outer loop, then row array won’t get initialized again after “rows” end, but will only keep adding more items to itself.