Hiya, I’ve been trying to fulfil this ‘User Story #14: On regular sized devices (laptops, desktops), the element with id=“navbar” should be shown on the left side of the screen and should always be visible to the user.’ for a couple hours now.
But nothing seems to be working, could I get some help? I’m really stuck so any advice would be useful.
You’ll be surprised how easy the fix is, check the full text of the error message
On regular sized devices (laptops, desktops), the element with id=“navbar” should be shown on the left half of the screen. It should always be visible to the user and should remain stationary. You may need to enlarge the viewport or zoom out to ensure the navbar doesn’t scroll with the page content.
-----> Please run this test in a larger window (before any media queries) : expected 792 to be above 850 <-----