Responsive Web Design Projects - Building a Survey Form

Hello there!

I’m going through the survey challenge right now but I seem to have made a mistake along the way. I have 16/17 so far, but I can’t seem to see what I’ve got wrong? I’ve gone through the checklist and double checked everything I’ve done and I think it must be one of these user stories that I’ve missed:

User Story #8: If I enter non-numbers in the number input, I will see an HTML5 validation error.

User Story #13: Inside the form element, I can select a field from one or more groups of radio buttons. Each group should be grouped using the name attribute.

I would be grateful for your help!

Here is the link to my CodePen:

Thank you!


I’m having the same problems that you had. I have 16/17 so far, but I can’t seem to see what I’ve got wrong?
Please can you tell me how you resolved your issue?

Hi @Bennettoyo,
I opened the codepen and ran the test from my end and all of the tests passed. You might just need a save and refresh?
Hope this helps…