Rosetta Code Challenges - Align columns

Tell us what’s happening:

Hello I was trying to get the text’s in the right format but the code is still not passing . I was wondering if you could help me in aligning the text’s correctly in alignment with the left, right and center. I don’t think I got in the right text’s.

Your code so far

function formatText(text, alignment = 'left') {
    // Split each line into fields
    const lines = => line.split('$'));

    // Determine the maximum width of each column
    const maxWidths = lines[0].map((_, colIndex) => 
        Math.max( => (line[colIndex] || '').length))

    // Define alignment functions
    const leftJustify = (field, width) => field.padEnd(width);
    const rightJustify = (field, width) => field.padStart(width);
    const centerJustify = (field, width) => {
        const totalPadding = width - field.length;
        const leftPadding = Math.floor(totalPadding / 2);
        const rightPadding = totalPadding - leftPadding;
        return ' '.repeat(leftPadding) + field + ' '.repeat(rightPadding);

    // Choose the appropriate alignment function
    let justify;
    if (alignment === 'left') {
        justify = leftJustify;
    } else if (alignment === 'right') {
        justify = rightJustify;
    } else if (alignment === 'center') {
        justify = centerJustify;
    } else {
        throw new Error("Invalid alignment. Choose from 'left', 'right', or 'center'.");

    // Align each field in the columns
    const alignedLines = =>, colIndex) => justify(field, maxWidths[colIndex])).join(' ')

    return alignedLines.join('\n');

// Test the function
const testText = [

console.log("Left Justified:\n");
console.log(formatText(testText, 'left'));
console.log("\nRight Justified:\n");
console.log(formatText(testText, 'right'));
console.log("\nCenter Justified:\n");
console.log(formatText(testText, 'center'));

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Challenge Information:

Rosetta Code Challenges - Align columns

please describe your algorithm in detail. For eg. describe your algorithm for aligning to the left. (give the steps in your algorithm)
Try to focus on arriving at a solution that solves one aspect of the problem first.